Is There Such a Thing as ‘Best’ Dating Sites?
All dating sites are not equal and many that have a great outward appearance are inwardly not what they are cracked up to be. We have had great sites like Match for years and whilst they are great for secular people, not so are the reports coming from Christians. So what are the best free Christian dating sites in 2015 and beyond?
The Internet being what it is, is a place of scrupulous and unscrupulous site owners and web service operators are all heaped together, so it’s very hard to find out which sites really have your interests at heart and I can honestly say that man, being the way he is (largely incapable of doing something if it does not involve making money) these there are very hard to find.
So then what are the best dating sites for Christians? We would suggest sites that are owned and run by Christians, however these are few and far between (largely due to the fact that to make a dating site one of the best you need lots of $$$ to pull it off – money for advertising, site maintenance, keeping spammers under control which incidentally most dating site have no concern about).
Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing
There are some secular sites that call themselves ‘Christian’ and give the appearance of being Christian by employing a few Christian staff and so on but you will find them quite expensive and paying does not mean you will receive a good service! I have heard hundreds of complaints about pay ‘Christian’ dating sites that will simply take the money and run.
Believe me, as a site owner with one of the busiest Christian dating sites on the web, it is very tempting to spank it for all it’s worth (I’m a man after all) but I know The Bible says; “and they will make merchandise of men” which makes me very wary of straying into the territory of treating Christians as numbers and a means of making $$$.
No, I set up 101ChristianNetworks in 1999 to help alleviate the need of all single Christians who were not being served in the area of singles either because they were at a small church, a church that was not seeing this need or a church that was simply too busy to address the situation – knowing how hard it must be to run a church let alone cater for all the people’s needs.
After all – Christians should ideally meet someone at church right? Right – but unfortunately the world is far from ideal and 101Christian Singles network can offer help here.