Christian social networks that are really good are few and far between that are comparable to Facebook – since most Christians have not yet cottoned-on to the fact that Facebook is not good for you (or anyone else for that matter) and they certainly have no real concern for your happiness or soul.
We know this is a problem at some of these big-tech giants from insiders that have left the companies and come clean about how the company operates, and specifically targets our emotions and gets our minds hooked into their virtual networks for maximum profit – to put it crudely as The Bible says – making merchandise of men.
To these whistle-blowers, they are quite open about the fact that you are a number to be used to generate money for their global vision (or more likely sad side-effect) to ‘connect you’ and I will add; to everyone that isn’t important in your life and unwittingly disconnect you from everyone that really is important – you know like your parents, your kids, your grand parents and your neighbours etc.
However there are some Christian social networks that do care about you and are genuinely set up for your benefit and to edify you. One such site that includes, friendship, fellowship, chat, singles as well as lets you post content – articles, pictures and Bible verses that will encourage others on the network.
You can visit it at: 101ChristianSocialNetwork.com – we hope you’ll meet some great people – God bless you – 101Team:)