How To Support Us
You can support us NOT with your money – I never ask for donations (please donate your money to the great Christian organisations and missions I have listed above) but you can support us by a) joining 101ChristianNetworks (only if you are a genuine Christian please) and b) telling all your friends about our free services!
The other massive help you can be to us is to report any suspect profiles or behaviour you come across on our site. I am confident that our 101 free singles and dating service is the most spammer free on the Internet – seriously as I spend many hours day checking profiles and weeding out time-wasters, so your help here would be very welcome!
A bit about 101

101ChristianNetworks has offered Christians a totally 100% free dating service for 15 years at no cost to it’s members, but at great cost to me. I’ve had to ride out my site being hijacked, hacked, its content completely copied and posted on another, almost taken from me twice, the entire site and code downloaded and duplicated (yes – by another Christian and the site is still operating using a clone of my site despite having spoken to the person and gaining and addition that they copied i!).
Despite the site making £1000’s and £1000’s in advertising, my average wage from it has been around £10K a year – one year it was about £20K. I have spent 1000’s and 1000’s and 1000’s of that money on developers who delivered almost nothing I requested (all I wanted was a newsletter – a means to communicate with members and to spruce up the existing very successful site code but the developers insisted they would only create a whole new platform which then never materialised) , or that was ultimately usable and made the terrible mistake of employing freelancers when I should have just taken any of my site problems to a proper company.
Alas i have finally rid myself of all the necessary, expensive servers I was advised to get and stopped paying the useless developers who were happy to just issue a bill every month but finish nothing! Praise God someone had the guts to practically force me to address this or I would have handed the entire 14 years work to these people!