I used to wonder what the big deal was with Christians at least dating non-Christians – I mean what’s the harm? This assumes that the Bible’s warning about doing this is really nothing to take that seriously.
But why so serious in the first place, when it comes to staying within the bounds of people that love God and His son Jesus? Well from my experience the problem is just that – that people that have no knowledge of God, or no desire to love God, the latter at least want to live the gospel according to themselves.
Unequally yolked mean an uneven playing field always tipped against the Christian
That’s fine when they are dating and marrying people similar to themselves in that area as people who share similar views van often form string bonds and relationships, but when a Christian has managed to extricate them-self from the world – which is not unlike being stuck in treacle in my view, and then want to try their hand at converting a non-Christian to their way of thinking who is not playing on the same playing field, or set of rules, you are going into a battle that you are extremely likely to lose – since they have gravity on their side.
The unfortunate reality is, just as with gravity, that it’s far easier to pull someone down to your level, than it is to pull someone up to your level, and so you run a risk to your soul when you yolk yourself with folks who’s wold view is often diametrically opposite to yours.
As far as they are concerned if they become a Christian – nothing lost. But if you lose your faith as I have often seen in unequally yolked relationships, well – too much t has been lost that sometimes cannot be easily retrieved without a huge upheaval and mess that for some is too much. And so the result can be years of heartache on both sides.
‘Unequally yolked’ does not mean one person is better than another – but that one person’s belief and desires are not the same as another’s – they are unequal and in this case like oil and water do not mix
In fact the latter is actually impossible unless the person wants to be pulled up. So take your chances if you want, but the warning is there in The Bible as you may lose your soul – not because the other person is some evil being (all have sinned and fallen short) but because is easier for them to carry on being worldly and suck you back into it, and bring you back down – than it is for you to be godly and bring them up.
And the main reason it can become a real problem?.. is the draw and temptation that sex has to yolk you to the wrong person. This is what God places this severe warning on this man/woman relationships and less so on friendships – though a similar warning is given even about those you spend much time with – and the fact that for good or bad – it will have an affect on you.
But that’s just my opinion, so to end if you are thinking about dating and hopefully changing the mind of that ‘wonderful’ person you have met who says all the right things and surely would want to know God then think again.
I own and run a free Christian dating service – precisely to help Christians yolk with believers. Here is what one member just wrote in their profile – something that I have heard echoed over and over in 25 years of being a Christian and 17 years of running my singles service for Christians.
Describe the kind of person you would like to meet on Fusion101 Christian Singles?
“I’m looking for someone Christian. Learned the hard way that being unequally yoked is a horrible idea.”